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Terms and conditions of use


In order for users to better understand the policies, regulations, terms and procedures when using the website, Maimono offers the Terms and Conditions as below:

This is the Policy and Terms that fully lists the regulations when using information on the Website: Maimono includes: Editorial Policy, Editing Policy; Advertising policy; Privacy Policy, Terms and conditions of use, when operating on the Website:

Editing Policy

At Maimono, we are committed to adjusting and clarifying the content, displayed on the website as soon as we see the problems that need adjustment.

The smallest errors, including spelling, grammar, style errors, will be corrected as quickly as possible without changing the content of information transmitted and updated on our website without needing to be updated. prior notice.

For errors in the content, we will always update and note corrections on the website so that users can grasp information promptly. Edits only apply to original content posted at Maimono, including informational articles, news, documents and references.

In the process of using the services at Maimono, if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions, please email: or at the contact section on the Contact page.


Editorial Policy

1. Integrity of editorial information

Maimono information page provides information related to life science and personal sharing related to life through Animation videos.

2. Criteria for selecting content when editing

2.1. Suitability  

Selected and updated issues at Maimono include information on life sciences, interesting facts about animals and shared personal interests.

This is objective information for the purpose of helping users access and better understand issues surrounding life information.

2.2. Information origin and accuracy  

At The Maimono, we use information sources from references, research papers published in scientific journals or university textbooks for related articles. to scientific information.

In addition, for articles about product reviews, we will honestly share our personal feelings through images, videos and articles when using the product.

2.3. Trend Updates: We also update trends at specific times

3. Accurate information content

At Maimono, we always distinguish between news, articles, references and related information so that readers can easily classify objective news and information coming from advertisers. fox.

In all information provided by Maimono, we always maintain the principle of accuracy, fairness, objectivity, independent, responsible article, information is not wrong or affected by any orders. which flavor.

4. The process of creating articles

We will schedule news and information every week. This news includes information from scientific journals and articles stating their feelings when using the product.

Sources of edited information come from reputable sources, including scientific journals, university textbooks for articles related to scientific information

Immediately after, the content will be checked by an editor to ensure consistency in style, typos, and punctuation to ensure the best possible information for readers.

Finally, the most complete information will be published at Website: Maimono.


5. Advertising and Sponsored Content

When using the service at The Maimono, users may notice some content, signs, banners, and banners labeled "Sponsored", "From our sponsors" or "Ads". These contents are not edited by Maimono editors and are not subject to this Editorial Policy.

We are not responsible for the content of advertisers. The information we provide is not for advertising or sponsorship purposes. Content, signs, and banners labeled “From our sponsors” are subject to our Sponsors Management Policy. “Advertising” content, banners and banners are subject to the Advertising Policy at Maimono.

About sponsorship

Sponsorships take the form of advertising that allows us to provide valuable information and content to users at no cost.

Maimono offers sponsors the opportunity to promote marketing messages as well as information about sponsors' products and services by publishing sponsor information or linking on our Website.

Content from sponsors is governed by the Advertising Policies and is not subject to Maimono's Editorial Policies. Sponsors will be responsible for the accuracy of the content and these content are not reviewed by Maimono to ensure the required objectivity.

+ Users can identify information coming from advertisers through a number of characteristics such as:

  • Content created by sponsors at Maimono will be labeled “From our sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by” or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”.

  • At the top of each sponsor content, we will place a text message to let users know that the content on this page is provided by sponsors and is controlled by the sponsor's editor. .

  • Content containing sponsored links or content from sponsors will be identified with distinct colors and include the labels “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promotional” by” or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”.

  • The sponsor's content will contain links to the sponsor's website.

  • When the link goes to the sponsor's website, Maimono will notify the user that it is worth visiting another website. This process is described in more detail in our Privacy Policy.

  • Sponsored Content is protected by copyright by its sponsors or legitimate copyright holders.

+ When the content at Maimono is budgeted by a third party.

In addition to creating and providing content for posting to the Maimono website (labelled “From our sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by” or “By (sponsor’s name)) ”, third parties may also provide Maimono with a direct cost to create content without control of this content.

When we create content requested by sponsors, sponsors will bring up the subject of the content/program and these content will be labeled “Sponsored by” or similar labels. throughout the sponsor's funding of this content/program.

In addition, sponsors may also request that labels be placed on content previously owned by Maimono during the content/sponsorship sponsorship period.


When content at Maimono is identified as “Brought to You” by a third party, we will take the following steps:

  • We will put descriptive text at the top of the page so that users know that content has been created with no control from the content sponsor.

  • Typically, the text “Brought to You” and a link to the “Brought to You” definition page is likely to be seen by users for as long as the sponsor financially supports the content.

  • In some cases, we may use one of four additional labels that are clearly identifiable to the user. Labels include: Financed by our sponsor, Powered by our sponsor, Made possible by our sponsor, Made possible by sponsorship our support.  

At Maimono, we apply a framework that includes specific criteria to test and select organizations to create or select content in a particular field. The content will be reviewed and edited by a third party and then approved by Maimono's editor.

+ In these cases, the user can see:

  • We will place a description at the top of the page to notify users that Maimono has created content or selected content in cooperation with organizations or associations.

  • Typically, users may see a sticker that says “Collaborate to spread the word,” followed by the name of the organization with which we collaborate to create the content.

  • We will notify users when a third party sponsors but has no control over the content.


Terms and conditions of use

Before using the information on the Website, please carefully review the terms and conditions of use described below.

By using the website, the user has accepted the terms and conditions of use set forth by Maimono. If you do not agree to all terms and conditions of use, please do not use the services we provide:

1. Our website does not provide any medical advice

The content on Maimono's website, including information, images, graphics, text, collected from Maimono's licensors and other materials on the website, is for the purpose of providing interesting information related to Maimono's website only. science related, feel when using the product and funny videos with animation.

The information provided on the website is not a substitute for medical professional advice, diagnosis and treatment. We always recommend users to go to the hospital and talk to a specialist doctor for a proper diagnosis.

2. Security for children

We are committed to ensuring the privacy of children. The information at Maimono is not designed to attract users who are children under the age of 13.

3. Regarding the use of content

At Maimono, we allow users to view or download a copy of materials on Maimono's website for personal, non-commercial use, and we require users to keep the copyright notices at the end of the material.

The notice “Copyright protected” and information about copyright and other proprietary rights are included in the content of the article. Any special rules that apply to the use of certain software and terms accessible on Maimono may be located elsewhere on the website and are attached to these terms and conditions. is different.

Any use of content that is not authorized in our Terms and Conditions of Use is a violation of copyright, trademark and other laws.

If the user violates any of these terms or conditions of use, the user's right to use the content automatically ends and any copies of the content from us must be destroyed immediately.


4. Liability

The risks and dangers of applying content at Maimono are the responsibility of the user and are not related to Maimono or its licensors.

When using the website, information is transmitted through intermediaries that are beyond the control and authority of Maimono and our suppliers. Therefore, Maimono is not responsible for the delay, failure, interruption or corruption of any data or information transmitted in the course of using the Maimono website.

Maimono, our licensors and suppliers make no representations or warranties of the following:

  • Reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content, text, software, graphics, links or communications provided at Maimono websites.

  • Maimono , its licensors, suppliers or any third party mentioned at Maimono will not be liable for any loss or damage (including injury/death, loss of profits or other damages) loss of data and impediments to business) in connection with the ineffective use of the Maimono website as determined based on contract, legal error or any other legal theory, whether Maimono , whether licensors, suppliers or third parties mentioned on Maimono's website are notified of such potential damages.

  • Maimono, its licensors, suppliers or third parties mentioned at Maimono's website are not responsible for any personal injury, including death, resulting from the use or abuse of the content provided. provided by The Maimono.

  • Claims arising in connection with the use of the content at Maimono must be brought within one year of the date of the event giving rise to these actions. Remedies and remedies are a private matter of ours and shall be expressly limited to damages in the Terms and Conditions of Use.

5. Ads, search bar and links to other websites

At Maimono, we may provide links to third-party websites. We may also select and prioritize certain websites when a user enters a search term, and we may also allow advertising units to display advertising information and sponsored content. when some search term is entered.

Maimono does not guarantee and does not recommend the content at third-party websites. Maimono is also not responsible for or warrants the accuracy of the content of the website or links at Maimono or the websites included in our search results or advertising.

Users are solely responsible if any problems occur when using information at Maimono or owned by third parties. Maimono also does not endorse or warrant any products, services or treatments disclosed at Maimono or third parties. Users can refer to the information at our Sponsorship Policy and Advertising Policy to capture more information.


6. General introduction

The Maimono is an interesting information sharing site related to science, life and animals. At the same time, share personal feelings related to products and life through Animation videos


7. Powers

All jurisdiction over disputes or matters related to Maimono shall comply with the applicable laws of the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

These terms and conditions of use are governed by the applicable laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam without regard to its conflicts of law provisions.

If any court of competent jurisdiction considers a provision of the Terms and Conditions to be invalid, the invalidation of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions. These remaining terms and conditions will continue in full force and effect. Failure to waive any of these terms and conditions shall be deemed a waiver of such term or condition or any remaining terms or conditions.


8. Notice of removal of content at Maimono and issues related to copyright agents

If any information or material accessed from the Site infringes copyright, the user has the right to request removal or access to take a closer look at the content from the website by contacting Maimono in the information section. Contact information and provide relevant information include:

  • Identify copyrighted registered content from the user's point of view. Please describe the content and provide an additional copy or source (such as URL) of the copyright of the content (if possible).

  • Identify infringing material according to the user's score and the location of the infringing material. Please describe the document and provide us with the URL or any other information needed to locate the document.

  • Name, address, phone number and email (if applicable).

  • A statement that the user has a good faith belief that use of this material is not authorized by the owner, its agent, or the law.

  • A statement that the information the user provides is accurate and indicates that the user is "aware of the penalty of perjury" or the copyright owner himself or a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner to make this complaint.

  • A signature or electronic sign equal to the signature of the copyright holder or authorized representative.

For the purpose of protecting the property rights of copyright holders, on a case-by-case basis. Maimono maintains a policy of terminating accounts and subscribers of the website when the offenders and subscribers repeatedly violate them.

9. General Agreement

Except as otherwise provided in a specific notice on the Maimono website, Maimono's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy are the elements constituting the entire agreement on the use of the website and the content between them. Maimono and users.

Thank you very much for your cooperation. At The Maimono, we hope users find useful information and use our services in the most efficient and convenient way.

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