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Advertising policy

At Maimono, the Advertising Policy is introduced for the purpose of managing advertising content at the website aimed at consumers. The service providers at Maimono towards consumers are collectively known as the “Maimono Customer Service Assets”.

Advertising used primarily includes third-party banners and signs, contextual advertising, and third-party sponsored content.

The terms listed below govern the conditions for accepting advertisements, their appearance, and their removal at Maimono. Maimono also reserves the right, in absolute discretion, to interpret and apply the advertising policies and to change the policies at any time by publishing the revised Advertising Policy at Maimono.

In any case, Maimono always has the right to decide whether an advertisement is approved and appears on the website system or not. In addition, approval to advertise at Maimono does not mean that Maimono endorses the quality of the advertised product/service and does not endorse third parties that claim to advertise, produce, distribute or promote that product or service.

At Maimono, we do not accept dishonest advertising products that are not in line with Vietnamese traditions, culture, ethics, fine customs and aesthetics.

Advertising content that is not acceptable at The Maimono includes:

  • Advertising for products/services that are illegal or may harm consumers;

  • Ads containing deceptive content, information prohibited from being propagated by the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, misleading or offensive information to other subjects;

  • Ads that contain false, misleading, defamatory and discriminatory or critical information about individuals/organizations of any age, race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and other matters that The Maimono considers inappropriate;

  • Advertising wine, beer and other alcoholic beverages;

  • Ads that contain content related to social evils and other issues prohibited by law;

  • Ads that contain pornographic content or pornographic material;

  • Advertisement of urgent needs or simulate current news;

  • Promote adult video games or contain adult content;

  • Ads that contain information aimed at or intended to attract children under the age of 13;

  • Advertise with unreasonable claims about bogus products or services;

  • Ads that contain content about unrealistic methods or remedies, such as “Fast Weight Loss Methods”;

  • Advertising in the form of flashing or bright information or images;

  • Ads that display content that disrupts or interferes with the user's browsing performance;

  • Ads cannot be minimized or turned off when the user wants to close the ad;

  • Ads are in the form of masquerading of computer functions that make the user believe that clicking on the ad is necessary.

At Maimono, we are determined to keep the independence between advertising and the content that the website edits and provides. The information on the website is not intended for advertising or sponsorship purposes. We always try to separate between the content of the website and the advertising information so that users can easily identify. Ads appearing in customer service properties will be blocked.

When a user clicks on an ad, the link may only lead to a third-party website or to Maimono's sponsored content area. Clicking on ads absolutely does not cost the user.

Specific information at Maimono is searched through keywords or topics displayed on the website. The content will be listed in the search results section along with the source of information. The advertising content will be displayed in the search section along with the advertiser's information for users to choose the information they want to access.

For advertising links from Google, Maimono may receive payment from google based on the display of sponsored affiliate results or the number of clicks on links belonging to products and services served to users. used by Maimono.

For third-party advertising content, sponsors or advertising production units must also comply with advertising policies, retain sources, and trademarks to classify sponsored content on the website. property for Maimono's customers.

Maimono also does not post ads when the ads require users to register for an account, log in to email or ask for personal identification.

Maimono reserves the right to accept, refuse, cancel or remove any advertising on the website for any reason. When canceling or adjusting an ad, Maimono will promptly notify the advertiser of the reason and time of removing the ad.

Advertisers are also obliged to comply with national and international advertising laws and regulations when using advertisements on Maimono website. Maimono does not monitor third-party compliance with applicable laws, however, we reserve the right to review advertisements for compliance with advertising laws and Maimono's Policies regarding exclusion. Remove ads on our website.

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